Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Strange dreams....

I have been thinking about all these weird dreams I have been having the past few days. They don't have really anything to do with babies, but they are just plain crazy!
In the first one, I was grading test papers for a class, and it was math. I was mad because for some reason, a few of the questions were just weird algebra-type questions that made no sense. I had to ask someone for help! LOL! #1, I am not even a teacher, or a teacher's aide, so WHY I'd be grading test papers, is beyond me. #2, If I were a teacher, you'd think I'd know the answers! LOL!
Another weird dream I had: I went to put gas in my car at the Huskey gas station. When I went inside to pay, it was dark, and the cashier was asleep with his head down on the counter! In the dream, I had thought to just go away without paying, but decided it was 'wrong.' So, I nudged the cashier awake andpaid him! Weird, hey? Those 2 dreams were the most vivid. I know there were other strange ones, but I can't quite recall most of the details. I wonder if it means anything?!
I also think I may be starting to 'nest.' I was exhausted all day, and went to bed around 9:30pm. I was reading the book I had bought today, "What to Expect the First Year,"and Suddenly I got the urge to clean/rearrange my dresser drawers. I think tomorrow I'll sort the baby's clothing by size, clean my car out, and dust. (If fatigue doesn't set in!)
Other than that, I am just STILL impatient, and just the usual aches and pains!
Until next time!

1 comment:

Lisanne said...

Definitely sounds like you're nesting! :) That means that you're close. I can't believe that you're due on Monday and I'm due on Tuesday! hehe :) No news yet to report here, either. My mom comes in today, though! :)