Saturday, November 21, 2009

What the heck?!

I can see my last post did not 'save'. Oh well. Anyhow, my family and I have pretty much gotten over H1N1. I have to say I am thankful that I got it much worse than Mason did. I'd rather suffer then him. I do not remember being that sick...EVER! My dad had to take Mason trick or treating because I was way too sick.
Mason was Spiderman. At least he was able to go trick or treating.....even though he's scared of anything 'scarey' looking, lol.
I had an ultrasound on Tuesday, and I was really hoping to find out the sex of the baby. Unfortunately, the cord was in the way at first, then baby just wouldn't cooperate. I do have to have an ultrasound every month now until baby is born, so hopefully we'll get to find out in the next month or so.