Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Had an ultrasound this past Friday. I had a student do the ultrasound, and she wasn't quite experienced enough, so I think that she wasn't able to point things out they I wanted to. The person teaching her was a grouchy thing. No one was able to tell me if it was a boy or girl. The doctor's nurse said they'd probably do another one at his office at 30 weeks to see if it was breech or not, and that we might be able to tell then. The best news of all: Baby is healthy in every way, and I am totally grateful for this. I am just so happy that the baby seems to have all limbs, and the heart is going strong,etc. It wouldv've been nice to know, but in away, I am torn between wanting to know the sex, and wanting to be surprised. Dave really wants to know more than anything! But he is happy all is well with baby, AKA "the worm." I now refer to this baby as the "worm" because it likes to wiggle so much! It wiggled and moved around a lot during the ultrasound.
I still feel awful somedays, but it's more bearable now. My biggest problem now is my allergies. My allergies are pure "HELL!" Everyday I sneeze, my eyes itch and water, you name it. On rare occasions, my eyes literally swell shut. I really try not to take anything, but when the eyes swell, and my asthma flares up, I have to take a benadryl. I really don't like to do this. Dr.'s and pharmicists assure me taking it the odd time will be okay, but I still don't like it. Only when necessary.
That's all for now folks!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Long time, no write! I have been super busy with work and various other tasks. Not much happening in my pregnancy either. My morning seemed to taper off somewhat, I hadn't been sick for about 3 weeks.......Until Thursday, and today that is. Baby still seems to want me sick. I thought I was through it. Nope, it came back. But, I am learning to manage it, so it is just a slight pain. I am 19 weeks now. This Friday I have an ultrasound.......Maybe we can see what it is!! Unfortunately, my grandma that was in the hospital passed away on May 20th. She won't get to see baby or ultrasound pics. But I am sure she is watching from heaven with my grandpa, my other grandpa, my mom, and Dave's dad.
That's all I have to report for now. Laters!