Sunday, March 26, 2006

What a crappy week it's been!

I gotta say: weeks 7 & 8 of my pregnancy are NOT going well. I guess maybe I should turn this blog into a "Sharla's sickness blog." I have been horribly sick. I am still fighting this sinus infection, which has moved to my chest and turned into bronchitus. Of course, bronchitus means that my asthma flares up, and 99% of the day I am unable to breathe. Well, to top things off, on Saturday I began to be violently ill. I thought it was my "All day sickness," but after a few times of being sick, (I am usually only severley nauseated with my 'all day sickness.') I started to worry. I couldn't keep anything down at all. So finally, I went to the hospital. They hooked me up to an I.V with gravol and fluids. (It took three different attempts to get the I.V in, so I am totally bruised.). The E.R doc declared my body to be stricken with the flu, and not morning sickness. After lying there for four hours, I was deemed ok to go home. They told me to come back if I started being sick again. So, of course, I went home, still feeling somewhat ill, but managed to get some sleep. I made some jello, and that is pretty much what I have been eating. My breathing is still crappy, I move from kitchen to living room out of breathe, and my nebulizer (mask with medicine in it) doesn't even last 3 hours. It's supposed to be used only every 4 hours. I have already missed half of Wednesday, all of Thurs & Fri at work. (Sat & Sun I was off this weekend). I have a feeling going to work tomorrow won't be an option. I mean, I can't breathe at home, so how the heck will I breathe at work going up and down stairs all day long?? Of course, the money is needed, but my health is more important(as is baby's). Work will not be too impressed, even though I have already given them a Dr.'s note stating I needed off until Monday. I'll have to get another one. Thankfully my doctor is understanding, I am sure he'll agree. I think I am lucky I am not in hospital right now. If I hadn't been to the doctor on Thursday, that is where I'd be. If I leave my chest infections until they get so bad, that's what happens. I don't think Dave really understands how sick I am. He thinks I should go to work tomorrow. Dave has never seen me this sick, to the point I can't breathe well, so he doesn't understand it. I just know from past history how my body/asthma reacts to flu's and bronchial illnesses.
You know what though? I really feel guilty having had to take gravol, my amoxil(antibiotic), asthma inhalers, nebulizer meds, and even diclectin(anti- nausea morning sickness med.) Doctors have told me it is ok, as this is stuff I need in order to make me well again. They say having a mother who is well makes it easier on baby. I agree, but still find it very disheartening. I always told myself I'd never take any meds while pregnant, except my asthma meds. Well, I am only at week 8, and look at me!!! I REALLY feel bad about it. But, what can I do? My baby can't live if I am dead................! TTFN

Saturday, March 25, 2006

My weekend off..........

It is my weekend off! Not an exciting one, though. Still feeling crummy, and to top it all of: I have no idea what to eat anymore. a couple of weeks ago, I was chowing down on almost everything! Lately, it seems that if I even think about a certain food, I want to be sick. I know I have to eat. But I pretty much have a disliking for almost EVERYTHING. I don't really want meat. I think I could probably be a salad/fruit/veggie person for the next little while. Those are the only things that don't make me feel sick. Man, pregnancy is sooooo weird! I knew it would be weird, but not as weird as it has been. It's amazing what hormones do to people! I think next time, I'll be happy if Dave takes the morning sickness and crazy hormones, and I can just carry the baby.
I am already on my 8th week!! Time is moving faster than I thought it would. Still, it could move faster. I am ready to begin walking, once my cold totally disappears, and I don't need my nebulizer (Asthma mask) anymore, which will probably be at least another 4 or 5 days.
My neighbours are now first time grandparents. Their daughter and boyfriend, who live with them, just had a baby girl last night, March 24th, weighing at somewhere around 5 pounds. She was early by a couple of weeks. But I think all is well for them so far!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Miserable day!

I'd like to say today is a good day. Unfortunately, it's not. My cold is worse than ever today. I worked only half my shift on Wednesday. I came home and went right to bed. Got in to see my Dr. in the afternoon. I just needed a note for work, because where I work, they are not exactly nice. But of course, my Dr. checked me out. He's a really good Dr. He insisted that I stay off of work until Monday. This means, i'd miss only half of Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. This happens to be my weekend off, thankfully. And of course, the usual: lots of fluids to drink, steamy showers for my sinus, etc. Only today, I wake up and I can feel this cold moving down to my chest, which is definately NOT good. Because I have asthma, chest colds give me a heck of a time. So now, my breathing is a bit more difficult. Hopefully this clears up instead of getting much worse. I don't want to end up in the hospital. My Dr. will give me antibiotics only if necessary. I don't want them at all unless my cold turns into a lung infection. So for now, I plan to sleep, sleep, sleep. (The baby's probably swimming around there every time I cough! lol)
If anyone has any natural cold remedies, i'd like to hear some. Like I have said before, I am open to ideas. TTFN!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Darned sinus infection!

How goes it? I am a tad miserable. I have a sore throat and sinus cold. So, I am whiny. I can't stand colds! I am such a wimp! And now that I can't really take anything for it! My nose is so plugged, at night I have been snoring, and driving Dave nuts!
But hey, it'll pass! Not much else new here. Just wanted to whine about it! Hahahaha!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Week #7.

March 20/06

Hi everybody! How goes it? Not much to report here. The usual fatigue, and sickness. I was off work today, so I dove into my 'pregnancy' books. It's still two weeks away from my first pre-natal visit with my OB-GYN. I can't wait until I can see my baby on an ultra sound(When it is much bigger) Sometimes, it seems unreal that I will be a mother. Then, I feel sick, and it doesn't seem so unreal.
So, not a lot to say, but thought I'd post something to let everyone know I was still around. TTFN!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Thanks, Nikki (From U.S.A)

Mrch 16/06

Thanks Nikki AKA Nastybrat. (I know two Nikki's). The girls at work also suggested "What to Expect When Your Expecting." So of course, I bought it. So not to worry Nikki, I think I am starting to be informed. Plus, my Dr. gave me a book as well.
It's funny how people refer to a baby by a certain sex, according to how they feel. LOL! I refer to it as a 'He", while some others, including you Nikki, refer to it as a girl...................time will tell!
And Nikki, don't worry: I am eating well. My husband used to be a cook, so he makes sure I get lots of veggies, etc. In fact, he personally drove to my work to bring me lunch because I forgot one yesterday. I was just going to by lunch, but that wasn't good enough for him.
Anyhow, nothing much new here. According to my sonagram, I am exactly 7 weeks tomorrow. So, amazingly.......almost 2 months gone!! (Yay!)
I find that work totally tires me out. I have not felt this tired in ages! I hope this passes, because I have so many tasks at work that need to be done, and being tired just makes my head fuzzy and I need to just sit down. As for my dreadful "ALL DAY" sickness.........Yes, it's all day, not just morning. It switches itself on/off like a light switch. But my DR. gave me this medication totally safe for my baby. It's basically Vitamin B6. I asked about 10 times if it was ok to take it. But it is, so hopefully it works.
Well, off to bed I go! I actually went to bed after supper, like at 6:30pm. I got up a little while ago to let the dog out, so I think I better get back to bed. Bye for now, everyone!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Baby is ok!!!

March 14/06

Good news! Baby is doing fine! My family doctor reassured me my ultrasound was very normal, and my cramping was ok. The part I didn't want to hear: Instead of October 30th as a due date, it is now November 4th! Next thing ya know, it'll be November 4th of NEXT year! Just kidding.
Just wanted to let everyone know all is ok for now, so now I can relax somewhat.
Have a good one everybody! And Toni, thanks for the prayers!

Friday, March 10, 2006

My first ultrasound

March 10/06

I went to have my ultrasound. I was scared. As far as I can tell, there is nothing to be immediately concerned about. The lady who did it wasn't allowed to tell me a whole lot, as it is a doctor's duty to do that. She didn't seem too concerned, thank goodness. I see my Doctor on Tuesday for the total results.
The cool thing.........I saw my baby's heart. She pointed out baby's heart just a fluttering away!!! It was soooo cool! I almost wanted to cry!! Then she said she could get it's heart rate. You really have to be still for that. So, as I barely breathed, she got it. 107 Beats per minute!! It definately reassured me somewhat.
One bad thing about today-I just couldn't eat a whole lot today. I think I may have starved my baby today. I was just mostly nauseated today, so I didn't even want to think about food today. I guess it's time for crackers! Later!!

Freaking out!

March 10/06

Ok, being a first pregnancy and all, I am very nervous. Any little pain, or anything that doesn't feel right, I am going to panic, because, well, that's just me!
I've been having some mild cramping, doesn't hurt a lot. No bleeding, thank God. But I called "Alberta Health Link." This is a line that you can call re: any medical concerns. I sure didn't want to go to the E.R and be told I was crazy. Well, this nurse recommended that I see a Doctor, just to be safe. Of course, at 8:00 at night in Medicine Hat, there is not anything BUT the E.R open. So I went. They scheduled me for an ultra sound, just to check things out. That is today at 1:00pm. I didn't go to work today, as I was feeling not that great. (Still not feeling great). So, as I sit here, I am drinking all the required water. I'll let you all know how things go. If anyone has any suggestions, I am listening..............

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Nausea sets in............

March 8/06

Yes, the nausea is coming along very well. :( Just 2 days ago I was bragging I hadn't been feeling sick as of yet....... Well, it's here! Can't seem to eat breakfast the past 2 days. I took some breaky along to work, for later when I actually could eat something. Haven't actually vomiting, but very nauseated. In fact, I went to bed early last night because I felt crappy.
It's kind of weird. One minute I could eat a horse, the next I am feeling a bit ill. And this is just the beginning!! Other than that, not much happening. But, I definately know I am pregnant, cuz my body definately feels different. But this will be so worth it!!!! Until next time........

Monday, March 06, 2006


March 6/06

I must say, Dave and I were very excited about the upcoming, (but far off) birth of our baby. A week ago, this wasn't even a thought, really. I suspected something, but wasn't really thinking I was actually pregnant. Did the home test thing, and it totally shocked the heck out of me. Dave and I were both shaking with excitement. I did not sleep well that night, I was just too thrilled. The next day, my doctor confirmed it, and of course I had to tell EVERYONE the awesome news!
The good news, is so far, no praying to the porcelin God. (Knock on wood). A bit hungry for things like chocolate and croutons. (Not together) Nothing weird yet. Just hungry, like I skipped- a- few- meals kind of hungry.
I'll keep you all posted..........bye for now!!!


March 6/06

Wanted to let everyone know that Dave and I are expecting a baby. I'll fill everyone in as it progresses................