Monday, March 06, 2006


March 6/06

I must say, Dave and I were very excited about the upcoming, (but far off) birth of our baby. A week ago, this wasn't even a thought, really. I suspected something, but wasn't really thinking I was actually pregnant. Did the home test thing, and it totally shocked the heck out of me. Dave and I were both shaking with excitement. I did not sleep well that night, I was just too thrilled. The next day, my doctor confirmed it, and of course I had to tell EVERYONE the awesome news!
The good news, is so far, no praying to the porcelin God. (Knock on wood). A bit hungry for things like chocolate and croutons. (Not together) Nothing weird yet. Just hungry, like I skipped- a- few- meals kind of hungry.
I'll keep you all posted..........bye for now!!!

1 comment:

cooky267 said...

I am so excited for you and glad that i can check on your day to day baby news!!!