Friday, March 10, 2006

My first ultrasound

March 10/06

I went to have my ultrasound. I was scared. As far as I can tell, there is nothing to be immediately concerned about. The lady who did it wasn't allowed to tell me a whole lot, as it is a doctor's duty to do that. She didn't seem too concerned, thank goodness. I see my Doctor on Tuesday for the total results.
The cool thing.........I saw my baby's heart. She pointed out baby's heart just a fluttering away!!! It was soooo cool! I almost wanted to cry!! Then she said she could get it's heart rate. You really have to be still for that. So, as I barely breathed, she got it. 107 Beats per minute!! It definately reassured me somewhat.
One bad thing about today-I just couldn't eat a whole lot today. I think I may have starved my baby today. I was just mostly nauseated today, so I didn't even want to think about food today. I guess it's time for crackers! Later!!


Sharla said...

Your ok, you can leave me on your list.

cooky267 said...

The first ultrasound how exciting, even though it was scheduled during an axious moment. I am keeping you and the baby in my thoughts and prayers...
