Sunday, November 05, 2006

Still waiting................

Well, I am still at home, still waiting. Not a whole lot has happend since Friday night when I was at the hospital. In fact, my back pain kind of went away for a bit. Saturday evening I was at my dad and step-mom's for supper. By 7pm, I was ready for bed. The funny thing is, is when I got up from out of my chair, I swear I felt like his head was coming down, and that he was going to fall out. But, he didn't. I went home and was in bed by 8:30pm.
I slept a lot today, but decided that I needed a few groceries. So I got my groceries, and by the time I got home, I was pretty tired. I made some supper for Dave and myself. My back/pelvis was aching, so I had a nice, warm (almost hot) bath after supper. This helped the pain a tiny bit. Now, I am basically just relaxing and watching some tv with Dave. (Waiting............which seems to be the story of my life!) I definately KNOW patience now, lol! I'll keep updating for as long as I can........Later!


Anonymous said...

oooh i'm waiting with baited breath!

Lisanne said...

Anxiously awaiting news! :) I'm so happy and excited for you! :)