Wednesday, December 19, 2007
It was brought to my attention by Laura, that my son isn't 78 inches long! LOL! I meant 78 Centimeters. That sounds better. At least someone was paying attention!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Mason had his 1 year shots today......he tolerated them quite well. He is 78 inches long, and weighs a whopping 24 pounds. They are happy with his progress. No problems with him at all. I wish I had more time to update this blog more often, but I am just to busy trying to keep up with, work, know!
Getting ready for Christmas. It'll be nice Mason can open some of his own gifts. Last year he was too little, so I can't wait!
Gotta run for now!
Getting ready for Christmas. It'll be nice Mason can open some of his own gifts. Last year he was too little, so I can't wait!
Gotta run for now!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Well, a lot has happend since Mason's B/day party! He is 100% walking now. He pretty much started walking around his party on November 4th......but now he is just plain fast! Didn't take him long to get the balance thing under control! Oh, sure, he falls and bashes his face on a regular basis., he's sometimes a bit TOO confident on his feet, a bit of a daredevil!.......(I hate that part!) He likes to climb whatever he can, and he sure loves touching the dishwasher dials, which annoys the heck out of me, lol. I definately have to keep my eye on him at all times now! Oh, but I still think motherhood is the best job in the world!!!!!
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Happy 1st Birthday!!!!

Happy 1st Birthday! We had Mason's birthday party today, as it was my weekend off. It was a wonderful day! Our awesome friends from playgroup came, as well as some family. We enjoyed watching the kids play, and it was so nice to visit with everyone! Mason, despite the fact he napped maybe 25 minutes the whole day, was quite happy. He enjoyed his little buddies. He REALLY enjoyed the cake! I wasn't sure if he'd sleep tonight! But, he was so worn out, he went to sleep with no major problems. He got some nice toys from his friends. It was really just a great day, what else can I say?
Friday, October 19, 2007
Sick, sick, sick!

Oh, I would love to curse the individual who invented 'colds!' LOL! Nothing but sick around here, Mason & I being the main sick ones! Mason has had the sniffles for what seems like forever. I have been sick since the last day of August, believe it or not! I would get better for a day or 2, then would get some chest cold or something. I am on my FOURTH antibiotic since the beginning of September, with each one working..........for a day or so, then right back to being sick. The last time, and this time it has been a sinus infection......and so, if it keeps up, I get to have a CT see if my brains are still there! (J/K)!
Mason had tonsilitis. I was at work last Saturday, when I got called at work by his grandma saying he was 'listless', 'not himself' etc. Normally, he is VERY active, but he had a temperature of almost 103 F, and was moaning and just being TOO still. His appetite was poor, and he barely drank formula. The doctor looked at his throat and said his tonsils were HUGE! So, antibiotics for the little guy. An hour after he took his first dose, he had diarrhea, which was not nice.....his poor little bum. The doctor said it may be the medicine, it may not be, just keep an eye on it. Finally, after a day or so he was more like his old self, and his fever went down. The diarrhea stuck around for a few days, and Wednesday he went back to daycare, only to come down with diarrhea again! (After being free of it for a day). He stayed home today too. The doctor said to put him on Soy milk until he improves, and it seems to have made a difference. I think we'll go for some 'bland' foods for the next little while. Other than that, nothing really exciting happening. Just planning for Mason's awesome 1st birthday!! I can't wait!
Thursday, September 27, 2007

I have been wanting to update, really, I have! But am I ever busy!!! I am now back into the swing of things at work, and it's going pretty well, I'd say. Yes, I still miss my little boy, and yes I feel guilty for having him in daycare. (That'll never go away!) But we are managing.
I enjoy my days' off with Mason very much. I haven't been obsessing about my house.....I try to keep it clean for the most part, but I would rather enjoy my son......chores can wait!
The other day, Mason discovered he could get into the dog's kennel. I saw him sticking his head inside, and the next time I looked he had gone right inside of it.......getting stuck because of the way his legs were bent. It really was funny.
The kennel comes apart, so I wasn't worried. But holy cow! Does he ever find trouble! Earlier this evening Mason was watching me change my sheets on my bed......or so I thought! I looked at him and he had something in his mouth. It was my pencil sharpener.....along with pencil shavings! "OMG! How did I MISS that going into his mouth?!!" I usually catch everything before it gets to his mouth, but not this time. So of course, I made sure he didn't swallow any. He is getting faster and faster! Oh, and for the past 2 weeks or so, Mason has actually CRAWLED! I know now he can do it, he just prefers the 'bum scooting' method best. And that's what's new here!
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Computer is back!
I am back after having my computer down for a few days! A lot is happening these days. I officially went back to work on September 4th. It was a sad day for me. I had to take my baby boy to broke my heart! Mason cried the first day I took him there, but not for long. The second day he didn't cry because they were able to distract him from me leaving. So he has been very good. If I had a choice, I would stay home with him in a heartbeat! But, I need to work, otherwise we would be drowning in debt. I, to this day, am not sure i'll EVER get over sending my little boy to daycare this early. It wasn't my plan. My plan was to work only 2 or 3 days per week. Life never seems to go exactly as planned. But yes, I feel terribly guilty. It is pretty much all I am thinking about. I am wondering: Will this negatively affect my son? Am I going to 'ruin' him because I am a 'working' mom??? I almost hate myself for it. Hopefully Mason doesn't resent me someday. I think that if it gets to be too much, I will suck it up and find a job with better hours. I hope Mason can forgive me. :(
Saturday, August 25, 2007
MMMMMM......Yummy dog food!!!
My little guy tested dog food for the first time today! lol I had decided that since he was busy playing with his toys in the living room, I'd go and quickly get dressed. Well, things got a little too quiet, and it'd only been about a minute or 2. I went out into the kitchen, and sure enough, Mason had decided to test out the dog food. Mason usually just plays in the water dish, but this time he thought the food would be ok to try. It was dry food, so it wasn't messy.........but the funny thing is, he never made a face when I saw him. (Could he have enjoyed the flavor??!!) Anyhow, I was ready to help him if he was going to choke. I got the piece out of his mouth.....and all was good. Just goes to show: NEVER leave the kids ALONE at ANY time!! LOL
Mason is still 'bum' scooting, but everyday I see that there is more things he can do.......he loves to stand up.
As for the sleep issue, it still remains, but I think he's really teething bad! I haven't seen that much drool out of him in quite some time! Plus he's cranky. Unfortunately, all he wants these days is a bottle...........he doesn't want much for solids. But, he is taking some food, so I guess he's ok. He does want his bottle in bed with him, and usually I don't allow it. (Don't want rotten teeth!) But I have given in a couple of times because I just couldn't deal with the crying......but I sure brushed his teeth the next morning! So, I am thinking that maybe it'll just be a couple of 'unsettled' days while his teeth are bugging him, then hopefully we'll get back on track......I definately don't want this when I am back at work, which unfortunately is on Sept 4th........a WHOLE other story! (This is the part where I cry about going back to work!!) :(
Mason is still 'bum' scooting, but everyday I see that there is more things he can do.......he loves to stand up.
As for the sleep issue, it still remains, but I think he's really teething bad! I haven't seen that much drool out of him in quite some time! Plus he's cranky. Unfortunately, all he wants these days is a bottle...........he doesn't want much for solids. But, he is taking some food, so I guess he's ok. He does want his bottle in bed with him, and usually I don't allow it. (Don't want rotten teeth!) But I have given in a couple of times because I just couldn't deal with the crying......but I sure brushed his teeth the next morning! So, I am thinking that maybe it'll just be a couple of 'unsettled' days while his teeth are bugging him, then hopefully we'll get back on track......I definately don't want this when I am back at work, which unfortunately is on Sept 4th........a WHOLE other story! (This is the part where I cry about going back to work!!) :(
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Total frustration!
Oh, tonight was a bit frustrating. Mason would not go to sleep. He is rarely like this. You put him in his crib-he cries! I have tried everything. I wish I spoke 'Baby' so I knew what he wanted. I hate letting him 'cry it out.' I go in and reassure him every few minutes. Finally, the cries are starting to pause. I know he's not hurting because he is doing his 'mad' cry. So I think he wore himself out.....yeah!!! I too am tired. I'll wait a good 15 minutes or so and go make sure he is covered up----and asleep!
Friday, August 03, 2007
Has it really been this long since I updated this?!
WOW! I am slacking off in blogging. What's new? Well, Mason is growing like a weed! He eats pretty much everything he is given, and today we discovered he likes cantelope.
I haven't had him weighed in awhile, but I know he is at least 20 pounds already. But he is not fat. Sure, he has round legs and he's solid, but definately not fat. I think he might be tall. He has energy to burn. His grandma was watching him today, and he wore her out! He doesn't stop moving. I am kind of worried about one thing still. He can roll from back to front, but cannot get from his stomach to back. I mean, he does everything else ok. He scoots across the floor on his bum fast, he sits well, eats well, tries to feed himself (Has done that for the past 3 months). So I hope the fact he does not do that is nothing to worry about. Plus, he doesn't crawl yet............Oh, I am such a worry wart!!
The countdown has begun. September 4th I return to work. In some ways, I am looking forward to it, but mostly I don't want to be away from my little boy. I do feel so guilty about going to work and having to leave him at daycare. But we really need the money. I am trying to enjoy the rest of the summer with Mason. We do go swimming a lot, which he likes. This weekend we are going to my dad and step-mom's house for a bit of a family reunion. That's pretty much our life right now. We haven't gone anywhere, and we probably won't. Dave is working, but I am hoping next summer we will go to British Columbia........I love the mountains! Maybe we'll go to Banff or something. Well, i have to try to update this blog more often................
I haven't had him weighed in awhile, but I know he is at least 20 pounds already. But he is not fat. Sure, he has round legs and he's solid, but definately not fat. I think he might be tall. He has energy to burn. His grandma was watching him today, and he wore her out! He doesn't stop moving. I am kind of worried about one thing still. He can roll from back to front, but cannot get from his stomach to back. I mean, he does everything else ok. He scoots across the floor on his bum fast, he sits well, eats well, tries to feed himself (Has done that for the past 3 months). So I hope the fact he does not do that is nothing to worry about. Plus, he doesn't crawl yet............Oh, I am such a worry wart!!
The countdown has begun. September 4th I return to work. In some ways, I am looking forward to it, but mostly I don't want to be away from my little boy. I do feel so guilty about going to work and having to leave him at daycare. But we really need the money. I am trying to enjoy the rest of the summer with Mason. We do go swimming a lot, which he likes. This weekend we are going to my dad and step-mom's house for a bit of a family reunion. That's pretty much our life right now. We haven't gone anywhere, and we probably won't. Dave is working, but I am hoping next summer we will go to British Columbia........I love the mountains! Maybe we'll go to Banff or something. Well, i have to try to update this blog more often................
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
I REALLY, REALLY hate dial-up
Grrrr! Do I ever not like dial-up!! Yes, you heard me! I have gone back to the dark ages. Yes, the dreaded dial-up!!! I am pretty much moved into my new place. I found out when reconnecting my phone, internet, etc that we do not have high speed as of yet in our area. Oh, I could have cried. So here I am suffering needlessly, lol! Anyhow, everything is going really good. Dave and I are working out our differences, and Mason is growing like a weed. I just can't believe where the time has gone!
Mason has had a few minor illnesses since he turned 6 months of age. He was at the hospital for bronchiolitis, has been on antibiotics for it, got a yeast infection on his bum from that, got cream for the yeast, was doing ok, then got croup, an ear infection and reddened throat..........and on and on it goes. We're almost done this course of antbiotics...and hopefully this summer will go ok. He has been teething for what seems like forever, and FINALLY a few days ago, his bottom front right has started to 'peek out'. He was such a grouch! But I guess I probably was too at that age! Mason has finally been able to pull himself up from sitting position to standing (Holding onto something, of course!) He had been so darn determined the past couple of weeks, he managed to pull himself up using his excersaucer on Sunday. Yesterday, (Mon), he pulled himself up in his crib. Now the crawling thing may be awhile. He seems to want to move, but can't quite figure out how yet. He has taken a few 'tumbles' onto his face, but gets over it quite quickly. He likes to lean forward and then loses his balance. I hate when he falls, but I have put a nice play mat in his play area so soften his landing a bit, which seems to help. I swear I can sometimes see the wheels of his brain in motion, looking for a way to get to something, or even just the way he looks at things. He is so alert and loves to look at absolutely EVERYTHING! I know when he crawls my hands will be very full with him. He rarely sits still, even when he's sitting! He's always reaching out for something looking at something, or rocking on his bum! He's definately going to be a 'bum' scoocher! Anyhow, that's all for now. Hopefully people are still reading this blog.....................................................
Mason has had a few minor illnesses since he turned 6 months of age. He was at the hospital for bronchiolitis, has been on antibiotics for it, got a yeast infection on his bum from that, got cream for the yeast, was doing ok, then got croup, an ear infection and reddened throat..........and on and on it goes. We're almost done this course of antbiotics...and hopefully this summer will go ok. He has been teething for what seems like forever, and FINALLY a few days ago, his bottom front right has started to 'peek out'. He was such a grouch! But I guess I probably was too at that age! Mason has finally been able to pull himself up from sitting position to standing (Holding onto something, of course!) He had been so darn determined the past couple of weeks, he managed to pull himself up using his excersaucer on Sunday. Yesterday, (Mon), he pulled himself up in his crib. Now the crawling thing may be awhile. He seems to want to move, but can't quite figure out how yet. He has taken a few 'tumbles' onto his face, but gets over it quite quickly. He likes to lean forward and then loses his balance. I hate when he falls, but I have put a nice play mat in his play area so soften his landing a bit, which seems to help. I swear I can sometimes see the wheels of his brain in motion, looking for a way to get to something, or even just the way he looks at things. He is so alert and loves to look at absolutely EVERYTHING! I know when he crawls my hands will be very full with him. He rarely sits still, even when he's sitting! He's always reaching out for something looking at something, or rocking on his bum! He's definately going to be a 'bum' scoocher! Anyhow, that's all for now. Hopefully people are still reading this blog.....................................................
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Only a few more days!
Only a few more days until I move! I am so tired of living out of a suitcase! I can't wait! It'll be so nice to feel organized again. Mason needs his crib again, as he's been sleeping in his playpen. He doesn't seem to mind though.
Mason's chest infection is coming along quite well. He has finished his antibiotics. He's quite happy. I am waiting for some teeth to appear though! I think very soon.
We had a nice visit in Maple Creek with his great-grandma last week. She was very sad to see us go. We had to come back earlier because of a appointment for his vaccinations this past Frday, then on Monday his 6 month check-up. He is coming along nicely, growing and developmentaly.
It has been so rainy the past week and a half...I am ready for a bit of sun. We are going to go for a nice walk on Thursday with all of our friends from our 'mommy' group. That's about all that is new here...............just taking things day by day................
Mason's chest infection is coming along quite well. He has finished his antibiotics. He's quite happy. I am waiting for some teeth to appear though! I think very soon.
We had a nice visit in Maple Creek with his great-grandma last week. She was very sad to see us go. We had to come back earlier because of a appointment for his vaccinations this past Frday, then on Monday his 6 month check-up. He is coming along nicely, growing and developmentaly.
It has been so rainy the past week and a half...I am ready for a bit of sun. We are going to go for a nice walk on Thursday with all of our friends from our 'mommy' group. That's about all that is new here...............just taking things day by day................
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Back at my dad's place.....
1 week to go until I move into my new place! I just came back from my grandma's house, which is one hour away from Medicine Hat. We had a pretty good time. My grandma was sad to see us go. I am glad I was there when I was because my grandma is a diabetic, and sometimes her sugar levels drop rapidly, leaving her unconscious or semi-conscious. (This did happen).
Mason was in the ER last week because I could hear a "rattle" in his chest. The doctor did x-rays and gave Mason a nebulizer (He hated it!!!) I was the "meanie" who had to hold it on his face, and he cried and cried. I felt so mean! But the wheeze in his chest improved after that. The docotor said he himself did not see problems with the x-ray, but would have the radiologist review it as well. He said to follow up with our family doctor the next day to check his breathing. The next day, an hour before our appointment with the doctor, the ER physician called me on my cell to say that Mason needed an antibiotic because the radiologist that reviewed his x-ray saw a shadow (the beginning of an infection in his chest). So our family doc put him on medication. (Penicillan) (How the heck do you spell it??!!) Anyhow the day we left to go to my grandma's (last Friday), Mason's bum became red. Well turns out he has a yeast infection..........I am assuming from the antibiotic. So off to get bum cream at the walk-in!!! Then, while visiting my grandma, Mason became constipated.........(weird for him). So off to the pharmacy we went to get stuff for that! (I have a feeling Mason's bum yeast infection won't go away until he's done his antibiotic. (Only 1 more day!!!) That's all that's new here for now!
Mason was in the ER last week because I could hear a "rattle" in his chest. The doctor did x-rays and gave Mason a nebulizer (He hated it!!!) I was the "meanie" who had to hold it on his face, and he cried and cried. I felt so mean! But the wheeze in his chest improved after that. The docotor said he himself did not see problems with the x-ray, but would have the radiologist review it as well. He said to follow up with our family doctor the next day to check his breathing. The next day, an hour before our appointment with the doctor, the ER physician called me on my cell to say that Mason needed an antibiotic because the radiologist that reviewed his x-ray saw a shadow (the beginning of an infection in his chest). So our family doc put him on medication. (Penicillan) (How the heck do you spell it??!!) Anyhow the day we left to go to my grandma's (last Friday), Mason's bum became red. Well turns out he has a yeast infection..........I am assuming from the antibiotic. So off to get bum cream at the walk-in!!! Then, while visiting my grandma, Mason became constipated.........(weird for him). So off to the pharmacy we went to get stuff for that! (I have a feeling Mason's bum yeast infection won't go away until he's done his antibiotic. (Only 1 more day!!!) That's all that's new here for now!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Happy Mother's Day!
My first Mother's Day! It was okay, considering my situation.....(See previous entry). I went to lunch with my mom-in-law, and stepmom. I also went to visit my mom's gravesite. I sure wish she were here.
Yesterday was soooo hot outside, like about 29 Celcius. Today it is raining and cool.
Oh, in Mason's life: He is on solids. He seems to really like rice cereal, carrots and butternut squash. The funny thing is, is his poop is orangey when eats carrots, LOL! Plus it stains his bum orange a bit, LOL (Even when I have bum cream on him!) Sorry, but it is funny. Anyhow,, that's pretty much all that's new here. When I move into my new place, i'll be able to update this thing more often.
Later! (Gotta go watch the Medicine Hat Tigers kick butt!) GO TIGERS GO!!!!!
Yesterday was soooo hot outside, like about 29 Celcius. Today it is raining and cool.
Oh, in Mason's life: He is on solids. He seems to really like rice cereal, carrots and butternut squash. The funny thing is, is his poop is orangey when eats carrots, LOL! Plus it stains his bum orange a bit, LOL (Even when I have bum cream on him!) Sorry, but it is funny. Anyhow,, that's pretty much all that's new here. When I move into my new place, i'll be able to update this thing more often.
Later! (Gotta go watch the Medicine Hat Tigers kick butt!) GO TIGERS GO!!!!!
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Just to let everyone know, I am still alive. I have had some issues lately, not really a good thing, but that's life. Mason is doing well, other than having thrush right now.
Dave and I are somewhat separated at the moment. We had an arguement, he lost his temper and choked me. He is now being charged with assault. He cannot have contact with me right now.
Gotta go, i'll keep everyone posted.
Dave and I are somewhat separated at the moment. We had an arguement, he lost his temper and choked me. He is now being charged with assault. He cannot have contact with me right now.
Gotta go, i'll keep everyone posted.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Our house is sold!
We are moving!!! Not that I really like fact, I hate it! But we got a good price for our house, and now we just have to find something else. We may rent for a while, then possibly build in a few years.
Mason is doing great....he's getting so darn big! I look at pictures of when he was first born, and wow! What a difference! Other than that, not much else is new. Basically, I am just letting everyone know I am still here! lol
Mason is doing great....he's getting so darn big! I look at pictures of when he was first born, and wow! What a difference! Other than that, not much else is new. Basically, I am just letting everyone know I am still here! lol
Thursday, February 22, 2007
The flu has come.......and gone........!
Well, the flu has made a slight round at my house, hitting me the hardest. I awoke one morning around 3am for Mason, and felt sick. So, pretty much I was holding him (I was gonna feed him), and I really got sick. I mean really sick! Let's put it this way: It took me about 20 minutes to clean it all up.... then after I had to change my son's clothes, as I managed to get him, since I couldn't put him down fast enough. Mason had a little tiny bit of diarrhea, and Dave had a sore throat and a bit of diarrhea, but no one else puked. I found it really hard to be sick with a small baby, it was all I could do to just change a diaper. I felt so weak, and ran to the bathroom all the time. It really wasn't fun at all.
But now it is gone......we are just enjoying going to our mother's/baby groups on Wednesday and Fridays. The Wednesday group is more of a learning type thing. We learn about childhood illnesses, oral care, anything relating to babies. Friday group is more of a 'fun' thing. Mom's getting together and chatting, and occasionally we have a guest speaker....I really enjoy it.
Other than that, we don't do much. We go to the stores or mall, just to get some walking done.....(Can't wait for spring!) When the warmer weather hits, look for me at the nearest park with Mason in stroller!
I am looking forward to having Mason baptised soon. Feb and March are out because Dave's mom is gone those times, and March my dad and stepmom are going to Vegas. So it'll most likely be April or May.....not as soon as I had wanted, but what can ya do?
We got Mason a new car seat, as he is soon going to outgrow his 'bucket' infant seat. I had put him into it, and then discovered when he falls asleep, his head falls forward. So back to the 'bucket' seat until his head/neck control is better.
Anyhow, that's pretty much it for now. I have to go and 'unstuff' my son's nose. Poor little guy! He's so stuffy from this stupid, dry air. He's snoring as he sleeps at this moment, it's kinda cute!
But now it is gone......we are just enjoying going to our mother's/baby groups on Wednesday and Fridays. The Wednesday group is more of a learning type thing. We learn about childhood illnesses, oral care, anything relating to babies. Friday group is more of a 'fun' thing. Mom's getting together and chatting, and occasionally we have a guest speaker....I really enjoy it.
Other than that, we don't do much. We go to the stores or mall, just to get some walking done.....(Can't wait for spring!) When the warmer weather hits, look for me at the nearest park with Mason in stroller!
I am looking forward to having Mason baptised soon. Feb and March are out because Dave's mom is gone those times, and March my dad and stepmom are going to Vegas. So it'll most likely be April or May.....not as soon as I had wanted, but what can ya do?
We got Mason a new car seat, as he is soon going to outgrow his 'bucket' infant seat. I had put him into it, and then discovered when he falls asleep, his head falls forward. So back to the 'bucket' seat until his head/neck control is better.
Anyhow, that's pretty much it for now. I have to go and 'unstuff' my son's nose. Poor little guy! He's so stuffy from this stupid, dry air. He's snoring as he sleeps at this moment, it's kinda cute!
Sunday, February 04, 2007
I almost had a heart-attack................!
I swear I almost had a heart attack yesterday! Mason and I had been out with Dave's mom (Mason's gramma), and we went back to her house. She unbundled Mason from his car seat and picked him up. As she walked away from the car seat, her foot got caught up in it, and down she went, with Mason in her arms! I saw this happening, but there was nothing I could do! She somehow landed on her right side, and I think she managed to break the fall somewhat, but Mason did hit his head on the floor, but not hard as far as I could see. But omg! I freaked. I ran and picked Mason up, asked my mother-in-law if she was ok. Mason cried, but not for long. I was worried, but thankful it was carpet. He seemed more scared than hurt, but me, not wanting to take any chances, I took Mason straight to the ER. He was checked over, and the doctor said he seemed fine. But I had to check on him every hour or so to make sure he didn't have a head injury ( My biggest fear!). If he vomited, I was to bring him back immediately. Thankfully, he was fine! During the evening he was a bit unsettled, and I figured he may have a headache. I gave him a bit of tylenol, and he rested nicely after that. Plus, I think his teething may be starting.........the drooling part, that is. Oh, and possibly a growth spurt. So I figured a small dose of tylenol couldn't hurt. My mother-in-law felt so bad, she cried. I told her it wasn't her fault, it could have happend to any one of us, it was an accident. The funny thing is, the night before this happend, I dreamed I myself dropped Mason! Weird hey? That is the second time I have had that dream. But all is well now.............I have never been more thankful in my entire life! And that is my news of the day...................
Saturday, February 03, 2007
So much happening these days!
My little boy is growing so fast! He is now 15 pounds! He is pretty much healthy, with the exception of a tiny little cold he has...........(and those darn hiccups right now!!) I was so upset that he had caught a small cold. I felt like it was MY fault somehow. I had him at the ER because I was worried. The doctor said he'd be fine, just keep him hydrated, etc. One other health problem I consider to be a biggy: He favors his right side of his head when he sleeps, and no matter how hard I try to keep him off of it, he ends up back on it. In fact, when I prop a rolled up blanket underneath him to keep him off of it, he just finds a way to go back on it! So now, his head is going a tiny bit flat on that side! The doctor isn't worried........but I am! I can put him in his crib, and find him half way across the crib the next time I go in to check on him. So propping his head up is useless. I do give him 'Tummy Time' as required (He hates it!), and I put him in his excersaucer (which he likes), just to get him off his head. I am so worried! I am doing what I can. But how long does it take to 'unflatten?' So there's always a worry of some sort.
Last night I was at the hospital because they thought my dad was having a heart-attack. (He wasn't, thank God!) I was so worried! They didn't figure out what was wrong with him so they will run more tests this coming week.
Mason is sleeping much better these days. He sometimes will sleep 7 hours straight, which is kinda nice. I usually put him down by 7 or 8pm, and he'll sometimes sleep until 2 or 3am. Sometimes I even go to bed at 7 or 8, just to get some sleep! He used to hate being put in his crib. He used to fuss so much, but now I can put him in it and he doesn't fuss so much anymore, and will often put himself to sleep. So, things are coming along.
On Wednesdays we attend a group for mom's and babies. This group gives ideas on safety and various other topics. On Fridays, we go to 'parentlink' and meet with other moms, and the babies can 'play', mom's can chat,'s so nice to meet people!
Well, gotta go put my 'little man' down for a nap, he's looking tired, and he's been up for a couple of hours already.
Take care everyone!
Last night I was at the hospital because they thought my dad was having a heart-attack. (He wasn't, thank God!) I was so worried! They didn't figure out what was wrong with him so they will run more tests this coming week.
Mason is sleeping much better these days. He sometimes will sleep 7 hours straight, which is kinda nice. I usually put him down by 7 or 8pm, and he'll sometimes sleep until 2 or 3am. Sometimes I even go to bed at 7 or 8, just to get some sleep! He used to hate being put in his crib. He used to fuss so much, but now I can put him in it and he doesn't fuss so much anymore, and will often put himself to sleep. So, things are coming along.
On Wednesdays we attend a group for mom's and babies. This group gives ideas on safety and various other topics. On Fridays, we go to 'parentlink' and meet with other moms, and the babies can 'play', mom's can chat,'s so nice to meet people!
Well, gotta go put my 'little man' down for a nap, he's looking tired, and he's been up for a couple of hours already.
Take care everyone!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
I think it hurt me more than Mason.................
His first shots, that is! Mason had his first shots yesterday. He did well. He cried a bit after all 3, but not for long. He is now more than 14 pounds, and is 24 inches long. He's healthy as can be! The nurse was happy with his progress. He did go on a nursing strike for 3 days, but is now back to nursing. It was so frustrating! Anyhow, gotta run, my little man is fussing..................................
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Happy New year!
Hopefully everyone has had a great holiday, and all the best in the new year to everyone! I had family for the holidays, so I was pretty busy. Mason's first Christmas wasn't much cuz he's too little, but next year will be much better!
Had a checkup at the ob/gyn this past week. All is good. Next time I am pregnant I'll be be checked twice at least for gestational diabetes, since Mason was so big. I'll also be put on a diabetic diet, and they won't let me be overdue, since Mason was 11 pounds plus. Gotta run for now, Mason is hungry as usual.
Had a checkup at the ob/gyn this past week. All is good. Next time I am pregnant I'll be be checked twice at least for gestational diabetes, since Mason was so big. I'll also be put on a diabetic diet, and they won't let me be overdue, since Mason was 11 pounds plus. Gotta run for now, Mason is hungry as usual.
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