Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I REALLY, REALLY hate dial-up

Grrrr! Do I ever not like dial-up!! Yes, you heard me! I have gone back to the dark ages. Yes, the dreaded dial-up!!! I am pretty much moved into my new place. I found out when reconnecting my phone, internet, etc that we do not have high speed as of yet in our area. Oh, I could have cried. So here I am suffering needlessly, lol! Anyhow, everything is going really good. Dave and I are working out our differences, and Mason is growing like a weed. I just can't believe where the time has gone!
Mason has had a few minor illnesses since he turned 6 months of age. He was at the hospital for bronchiolitis, has been on antibiotics for it, got a yeast infection on his bum from that, got cream for the yeast, was doing ok, then got croup, an ear infection and reddened throat..........and on and on it goes. We're almost done this course of antbiotics...and hopefully this summer will go ok. He has been teething for what seems like forever, and FINALLY a few days ago, his bottom front right has started to 'peek out'. He was such a grouch! But I guess I probably was too at that age! Mason has finally been able to pull himself up from sitting position to standing (Holding onto something, of course!) He had been so darn determined the past couple of weeks, he managed to pull himself up using his excersaucer on Sunday. Yesterday, (Mon), he pulled himself up in his crib. Now the crawling thing may be awhile. He seems to want to move, but can't quite figure out how yet. He has taken a few 'tumbles' onto his face, but gets over it quite quickly. He likes to lean forward and then loses his balance. I hate when he falls, but I have put a nice play mat in his play area so soften his landing a bit, which seems to help. I swear I can sometimes see the wheels of his brain in motion, looking for a way to get to something, or even just the way he looks at things. He is so alert and loves to look at absolutely EVERYTHING! I know when he crawls my hands will be very full with him. He rarely sits still, even when he's sitting! He's always reaching out for something looking at something, or rocking on his bum! He's definately going to be a 'bum' scoocher! Anyhow, that's all for now. Hopefully people are still reading this blog.....................................................


Laura McIntyre said...

Sounds like Mason is doing just wonderful , he will be on the move before oyu know it. Glad you and dave are working things out and you have moved into a new place, hope you manage to upgrade from dial up soon.
BTW I found your blog through Lisannes page - my youngest daughter was born the 15th November - she was no where near as big as your Mason, did you know he was going to be so big?

Lisanne said...

Hi, Laura! Oh, how *cool* that you've found Sharla's blog! Yes, we were all pregnant together! :)

Sharla ... I received your note and pictures in the mail today! Yay! Thank you *so* much! I can't wait to write you back. Oh, you guys looked *wonderful* in that baptism photo!