Thursday, August 23, 2007

Total frustration!

Oh, tonight was a bit frustrating. Mason would not go to sleep. He is rarely like this. You put him in his crib-he cries! I have tried everything. I wish I spoke 'Baby' so I knew what he wanted. I hate letting him 'cry it out.' I go in and reassure him every few minutes. Finally, the cries are starting to pause. I know he's not hurting because he is doing his 'mad' cry. So I think he wore himself out.....yeah!!! I too am tired. I'll wait a good 15 minutes or so and go make sure he is covered up----and asleep!

1 comment:

Laura McIntyre said...

Ugg sorry he was a pain for you,
i hate these nights. There is
nothing worse than being
completly clueless and not
knowing what to do, i wonder if
that ever changes.