Saturday, February 03, 2007

So much happening these days!

My little boy is growing so fast! He is now 15 pounds! He is pretty much healthy, with the exception of a tiny little cold he has...........(and those darn hiccups right now!!) I was so upset that he had caught a small cold. I felt like it was MY fault somehow. I had him at the ER because I was worried. The doctor said he'd be fine, just keep him hydrated, etc. One other health problem I consider to be a biggy: He favors his right side of his head when he sleeps, and no matter how hard I try to keep him off of it, he ends up back on it. In fact, when I prop a rolled up blanket underneath him to keep him off of it, he just finds a way to go back on it! So now, his head is going a tiny bit flat on that side! The doctor isn't worried........but I am! I can put him in his crib, and find him half way across the crib the next time I go in to check on him. So propping his head up is useless. I do give him 'Tummy Time' as required (He hates it!), and I put him in his excersaucer (which he likes), just to get him off his head. I am so worried! I am doing what I can. But how long does it take to 'unflatten?' So there's always a worry of some sort.
Last night I was at the hospital because they thought my dad was having a heart-attack. (He wasn't, thank God!) I was so worried! They didn't figure out what was wrong with him so they will run more tests this coming week.
Mason is sleeping much better these days. He sometimes will sleep 7 hours straight, which is kinda nice. I usually put him down by 7 or 8pm, and he'll sometimes sleep until 2 or 3am. Sometimes I even go to bed at 7 or 8, just to get some sleep! He used to hate being put in his crib. He used to fuss so much, but now I can put him in it and he doesn't fuss so much anymore, and will often put himself to sleep. So, things are coming along.
On Wednesdays we attend a group for mom's and babies. This group gives ideas on safety and various other topics. On Fridays, we go to 'parentlink' and meet with other moms, and the babies can 'play', mom's can chat,'s so nice to meet people!
Well, gotta go put my 'little man' down for a nap, he's looking tired, and he's been up for a couple of hours already.
Take care everyone!

1 comment:

Lisanne said...

Hi! :) Glad to hear that you guys are doing well! I'm not sure about the rolling over thing ... Meredith has a tiny spot on the back of her head where her hair is thinner, LOL! :) Hope you are having a nice weekend! I look forward to writing you soon!