Sunday, July 09, 2006

Not a lot happening!

My computer was down for a few weeks, so I was unable to blog. Not that anyone is missing much. Things are pretty quiet around here. Baby had a quiet week last week. Baby was really moving last night though. I love when the baby moves! It is such a cool feeling! My ultrasound was normal. Had another appouintment on Thursday. Because baby was so quiet last week, I was a bit worried. But, I got to listen to the heartbeat, and was totally reassured. That's pretty much all of what is going on. At 23 weeks, this is a pretty good time in my pregnancy. Minimal sickness, I am not too big yet. The heat though, somedays it is really harsh, but I manage. (Thank God for air conditioning.)

1 comment:

Lisanne said...

Hi there! My name is Lisanne, and I found you through baby blog-o-rama. Congratulations on your first pregnancy! I'm due the day after you [with our second child]. Best wishes!