Saturday, March 25, 2006

My weekend off..........

It is my weekend off! Not an exciting one, though. Still feeling crummy, and to top it all of: I have no idea what to eat anymore. a couple of weeks ago, I was chowing down on almost everything! Lately, it seems that if I even think about a certain food, I want to be sick. I know I have to eat. But I pretty much have a disliking for almost EVERYTHING. I don't really want meat. I think I could probably be a salad/fruit/veggie person for the next little while. Those are the only things that don't make me feel sick. Man, pregnancy is sooooo weird! I knew it would be weird, but not as weird as it has been. It's amazing what hormones do to people! I think next time, I'll be happy if Dave takes the morning sickness and crazy hormones, and I can just carry the baby.
I am already on my 8th week!! Time is moving faster than I thought it would. Still, it could move faster. I am ready to begin walking, once my cold totally disappears, and I don't need my nebulizer (Asthma mask) anymore, which will probably be at least another 4 or 5 days.
My neighbours are now first time grandparents. Their daughter and boyfriend, who live with them, just had a baby girl last night, March 24th, weighing at somewhere around 5 pounds. She was early by a couple of weeks. But I think all is well for them so far!

1 comment:

nicole said...

TTFN = ta ta for now... not sure if shar answered this for you in blog