Saturday, August 25, 2007

Messy Eater!

This is my messy little eater! He loves to feed himself! He's Mr. Independant.

MMMMMM......Yummy dog food!!!

My little guy tested dog food for the first time today! lol I had decided that since he was busy playing with his toys in the living room, I'd go and quickly get dressed. Well, things got a little too quiet, and it'd only been about a minute or 2. I went out into the kitchen, and sure enough, Mason had decided to test out the dog food. Mason usually just plays in the water dish, but this time he thought the food would be ok to try. It was dry food, so it wasn't messy.........but the funny thing is, he never made a face when I saw him. (Could he have enjoyed the flavor??!!) Anyhow, I was ready to help him if he was going to choke. I got the piece out of his mouth.....and all was good. Just goes to show: NEVER leave the kids ALONE at ANY time!! LOL
Mason is still 'bum' scooting, but everyday I see that there is more things he can do.......he loves to stand up.
As for the sleep issue, it still remains, but I think he's really teething bad! I haven't seen that much drool out of him in quite some time! Plus he's cranky. Unfortunately, all he wants these days is a bottle...........he doesn't want much for solids. But, he is taking some food, so I guess he's ok. He does want his bottle in bed with him, and usually I don't allow it. (Don't want rotten teeth!) But I have given in a couple of times because I just couldn't deal with the crying......but I sure brushed his teeth the next morning! So, I am thinking that maybe it'll just be a couple of 'unsettled' days while his teeth are bugging him, then hopefully we'll get back on track......I definately don't want this when I am back at work, which unfortunately is on Sept 4th........a WHOLE other story! (This is the part where I cry about going back to work!!) :(

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Total frustration!

Oh, tonight was a bit frustrating. Mason would not go to sleep. He is rarely like this. You put him in his crib-he cries! I have tried everything. I wish I spoke 'Baby' so I knew what he wanted. I hate letting him 'cry it out.' I go in and reassure him every few minutes. Finally, the cries are starting to pause. I know he's not hurting because he is doing his 'mad' cry. So I think he wore himself out.....yeah!!! I too am tired. I'll wait a good 15 minutes or so and go make sure he is covered up----and asleep!

Friday, August 03, 2007

Has it really been this long since I updated this?!

WOW! I am slacking off in blogging. What's new? Well, Mason is growing like a weed! He eats pretty much everything he is given, and today we discovered he likes cantelope.
I haven't had him weighed in awhile, but I know he is at least 20 pounds already. But he is not fat. Sure, he has round legs and he's solid, but definately not fat. I think he might be tall. He has energy to burn. His grandma was watching him today, and he wore her out! He doesn't stop moving. I am kind of worried about one thing still. He can roll from back to front, but cannot get from his stomach to back. I mean, he does everything else ok. He scoots across the floor on his bum fast, he sits well, eats well, tries to feed himself (Has done that for the past 3 months). So I hope the fact he does not do that is nothing to worry about. Plus, he doesn't crawl yet............Oh, I am such a worry wart!!
The countdown has begun. September 4th I return to work. In some ways, I am looking forward to it, but mostly I don't want to be away from my little boy. I do feel so guilty about going to work and having to leave him at daycare. But we really need the money. I am trying to enjoy the rest of the summer with Mason. We do go swimming a lot, which he likes. This weekend we are going to my dad and step-mom's house for a bit of a family reunion. That's pretty much our life right now. We haven't gone anywhere, and we probably won't. Dave is working, but I am hoping next summer we will go to British Columbia........I love the mountains! Maybe we'll go to Banff or something. Well, i have to try to update this blog more often................