WOW! I am slacking off in blogging. What's new? Well, Mason is growing like a weed! He eats pretty much everything he is given, and today we discovered he likes cantelope.
I haven't had him weighed in awhile, but I know he is at least 20 pounds already. But he is not fat. Sure, he has round legs and he's solid, but definately not fat. I think he might be tall. He has energy to burn. His grandma was watching him today, and he wore her out! He doesn't stop moving. I am kind of worried about one thing still. He can roll from back to front, but cannot get from his stomach to back. I mean, he does everything else ok. He scoots across the floor on his bum fast, he sits well, eats well, tries to feed himself (Has done that for the past 3 months). So I hope the fact he does not do that is nothing to worry about. Plus, he doesn't crawl yet............Oh, I am such a worry wart!!
The countdown has begun. September 4th I return to work. In some ways, I am looking forward to it, but mostly I don't want to be away from my little boy. I do feel so guilty about going to work and having to leave him at daycare. But we really need the money. I am trying to enjoy the rest of the summer with Mason. We do go swimming a lot, which he likes. This weekend we are going to my dad and step-mom's house for a bit of a family reunion. That's pretty much our life right now. We haven't gone anywhere, and we probably won't. Dave is working, but I am hoping next summer we will go to British Columbia........I love the mountains! Maybe we'll go to Banff or something. Well, i have to try to update this blog more often................