Sunday, December 17, 2006

Frustration! Frustration!

I am very frustrated tonight. I have been trying to get Mason to sleep since 8:00pm. It is now almost 11:30pm. He is so fussy tonight! He just cries and cries. I have changed him, fed him, rocked him, you name it! Right now he is in his 'snuggly.' He has fallen asleep in it. But, if I try to put him down, he'll just wake up. I have tried to let him cry a breaks my heart to do it! I have cried myself, I am so frustrated! I've tried burping him. I even took him for a drive! It really bothers me that I am unable to figure out his cries as of yet. I feel like such a crappy mother! I feel really alone today, like I am not really a part of the world.........I don't know how to explain it. If anyone has suggestions, please, PLEASE give me some ideas! Mason seems to fuss a lot in the evening. I am going to try to put him down now. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Lisanne said...

Sharla, I *completely* understand what you're going through. It's tough. I've had some of those same feelings. E-mail me, maybe, when you want to vent at 3 a.m.! hehe :) That might help a little bit, at least?