Thursday, September 07, 2006

A busy week......

I have been pretty busy the past week or so. Helped my mother-in-law move. She's only a couple of blocks from our house, which is neat. Had an appointment with my ob/gyn today, except he was called out to deliver a 'very stubborn baby' that did not want to come out. So I went home. I told Dr. J's nurse I felt fine anyhow. She said if I needed to see him next week that I could come in. My next appointment is Sept. 21st. I am sure i'll be ok until then, if not, I see my family doctor on the 13th anyhow. So all is good. Finally the baby's room is getting done. I have procrastinated for way too long! I just didn't know what to do with the room, but it's starting to come along. Dave doesn't want me to paint because he doesn't want me to inhale paint fumes. Just asked me what I wanted done to the room and him and his friend Dale will do it. I am thinking about something with teddy bears. They are so cute and cuddly. Besides, I have no idea if this baby is a boy or girl, so I think teddy bears are unisex. This baby is sure moving a lot today! Not that I mind, a moving baby is a healthy baby in my books.
Well, I am off to bed.

1 comment:

Lisanne said...

A teddy bear theme will be CUTE! Oh, you could do *so* much with that! So what colors? Neutral ones? How nice that your husband just said, "Say the word and we'll do it." LOL! :) Yeah, paint fumes aren't the best. What's killing me is not being able to vacuum! *sigh* Our floor is dirty. Glad you're doing well!