Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Things are looking up.......

Hi guys! I've had some complaints I've been slacking in the 'keeping you guys up to date' department. Haven't really had much to report the past week or so. I FINALLY am getting over this bronchitus/asthma/flu thing.
I had a couple days where I didn't have morning sickness, and I enjoyed every minute of it. Tuesday and Wedenesday weren't so hot. I actually 'got sick' at work this morning, but thaanfully made it to the bathroom in time. I am hoping this will end soon.
Tomorrow, (Thursday), I have a Dr. appointment with my ob-gyn. I have a few questions for him, that's for sure! Tomorrow, according to my ultra-sound I had on March 10th, I will be 10 weeks along. I want to hurry out of this first trimester, and hopefully the morning sickness.
Well, that's all I know right now. I'll probably have more info after my Dr.'s appointment tomorrow. Later!


nicole said...

glad to hear you're starting to feel better shar!! hope your appointment with yer ob-gyn went well and all your questions got answered.

nicole said...

hey shar!
jen and chris are down from brooks and were wondering if you are going to find out the sex of your baby before it's born. they're getting a whack of clothes for both a boy and a girl. email or call me, or answer here and i'll pass on the info! also, i was wondering if your due date has been changed or if it is still for the 30th of October.