Saturday, April 15, 2006

Waiting patiently.....

I haven't written in awhile, as not much has been happening. (Except nausea and vomiting). I am approximately 11 weeks along. My pants are getting tighter, but no visible bump as of yet. Still going through my "all-day-sickness" phase. Last Saturday it was a horrible day for being sick. Then I had an not so bad week, only to be sick again today, (Saturday) There's something about Saturdays that this baby likes about making me sick! LOL! I was sick this morning at work, then again about 5 minutes ago. At least I am at home right now, and it's not such a big deal. I hate being sick at work, cuz there's usually someone around while I am sick, and it's totally embarrassing. Most people understand, especially women! lol. So, I am waiting for this to end. Dr. Jeffrey says it should end fairly soon, and I sure am hoping so......
I have a favor to ask of anyone who reads this: My friend Toni & her husband Mark have a 1 year old son who was born with heart problems. I can't quite remember exactly what his condition entails. But he is a sick little boy, (cute as a button, too!) and he really needs your prayers. I know you most of you don't know them, but please pray for them anyway if you can. Thanks so much!

1 comment:

nicole said...

Hey there Shar!
It seems that your all-day-sickness is slowing down. i'm glad to hear that!! I can't wait to be able to see a baby bump on ya!!!
I also hope your friends boy gets the help he needs. that's a tough thing to deal with.

Keep us updated!!