Thursday, September 27, 2007


I have been wanting to update, really, I have! But am I ever busy!!! I am now back into the swing of things at work, and it's going pretty well, I'd say. Yes, I still miss my little boy, and yes I feel guilty for having him in daycare. (That'll never go away!) But we are managing.

I enjoy my days' off with Mason very much. I haven't been obsessing about my house.....I try to keep it clean for the most part, but I would rather enjoy my son......chores can wait!

The other day, Mason discovered he could get into the dog's kennel. I saw him sticking his head inside, and the next time I looked he had gone right inside of it.......getting stuck because of the way his legs were bent. It really was funny.

The kennel comes apart, so I wasn't worried. But holy cow! Does he ever find trouble! Earlier this evening Mason was watching me change my sheets on my bed......or so I thought! I looked at him and he had something in his mouth. It was my pencil sharpener.....along with pencil shavings! "OMG! How did I MISS that going into his mouth?!!" I usually catch everything before it gets to his mouth, but not this time. So of course, I made sure he didn't swallow any. He is getting faster and faster! Oh, and for the past 2 weeks or so, Mason has actually CRAWLED! I know now he can do it, he just prefers the 'bum scooting' method best. And that's what's new here!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Pictures of Mason

Mason wearing his 'Edmonton Oilers' hat that's way small! Mason into the pots & pans.....his favorite!!

Mason enjoying the 'last' days of summer in his wading pool.

Computer is back!

I am back after having my computer down for a few days! A lot is happening these days. I officially went back to work on September 4th. It was a sad day for me. I had to take my baby boy to broke my heart! Mason cried the first day I took him there, but not for long. The second day he didn't cry because they were able to distract him from me leaving. So he has been very good. If I had a choice, I would stay home with him in a heartbeat! But, I need to work, otherwise we would be drowning in debt. I, to this day, am not sure i'll EVER get over sending my little boy to daycare this early. It wasn't my plan. My plan was to work only 2 or 3 days per week. Life never seems to go exactly as planned. But yes, I feel terribly guilty. It is pretty much all I am thinking about. I am wondering: Will this negatively affect my son? Am I going to 'ruin' him because I am a 'working' mom??? I almost hate myself for it. Hopefully Mason doesn't resent me someday. I think that if it gets to be too much, I will suck it up and find a job with better hours. I hope Mason can forgive me. :(