I have been wanting to update, really, I have! But am I ever busy!!! I am now back into the swing of things at work, and it's going pretty well, I'd say. Yes, I still miss my little boy, and yes I feel guilty for having him in daycare. (That'll never go away!) But we are managing.
I enjoy my days' off with Mason very much. I haven't been obsessing about my house.....I try to keep it clean for the most part, but I would rather enjoy my son......chores can wait!
The other day, Mason discovered he could get into the dog's kennel. I saw him sticking his head inside, and the next time I looked he had gone right inside of it.......getting stuck because of the way his legs were bent. It really was funny.
The kennel comes apart, so I wasn't worried. But holy cow! Does he ever find trouble! Earlier this evening Mason was watching me change my sheets on my bed......or so I thought! I looked at him and he had something in his mouth. It was my pencil sharpener.....along with pencil shavings! "OMG! How did I MISS that going into his mouth?!!" I usually catch everything before it gets to his mouth, but not this time. So of course, I made sure he didn't swallow any. He is getting faster and faster! Oh, and for the past 2 weeks or so, Mason has actually CRAWLED! I know now he can do it, he just prefers the 'bum scooting' method best. And that's what's new here!