Wednesday, July 19, 2006

25 weeks.....and counting!

I am approximately 25 weeks along. We're getting closer to the end......I just can't wait! I have been a bit crampy since last night, and it kind of freaks me out. I think it's just the ligaments stretching out, but I am taking it easy today, just to be sure. Last night I had the worst stomach ache I had had in a long time, but today it seems ok. My allergies have been fairly good the past couple of weeks, so I am lucky in that way. Next week I have to go for the glucose test to check for gestational diabetes. I am not looking forward to drinking the sweet, flat orange -pop type stuff. I am not really into anything sweet. In fact, I find that most sweet things make me nauseated these days. I do, however, like sour things and hot wings. I am really into fruit lately, escpecially those B.C cherries! Expensive to buy, but totally worth it!
Yesterday it was really warm outside. Dave and I went out in his car. Of course the air conditioning is kaput in his car, so I was frying. I began to feel sick, so we came home. I knew it was warm outside, but it had been hotter, so I didn't think it would bother me so much, but it did. Also, I had a really bad headache for 2 days. I took tylenol as needed, and it would lessen somewhat, but then it'd be right back full force. I was starting to worry, because I am such a worry wart. I thought about going to the doctor, but it finally went away. I hate when I worry. It's just in my nature to worry though.
My cousin's wedding is this weekend, so I am looking forward to this. I love weddings! The sad thing is, is it seems my large family gets together only at weddings and funerals. In fact, at the end of May was my grandma's funeral and I saw family I hadn't seen in awhile. But there are so darn many of us on my dad's side, there's no possibility of getting everyone together. But, I guess that's the way life goes.

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