Oh, I think I am being driven to insanity by my sweet, loving MISCHIEVOUS & STUBBORN little boy! lol. Wow! All I can say is "Heaven Help Me!" Mason is so busy these days!
Well, to begin, we went from Winter weather to Summer. We totally skipped Spring. Mason is now in a 'Big Boy' bed. The transition went extremely well, with absolutely no problems at all. We got him a car bed, and he loves it!
As I write this, he is making me eat my words, because he is rummaging around his room. Not that there is much to get into. Usually he stays in his bed and goes to sleep within minutes. Not today though.
What's driving me crazy about my beautiful little boy, is the past few weeks he loves saying the word "No!" I guess this is normal for his age, so hopefully it'll pass. As well, he will not let me change his diaper without a fight. He wiggles worse than he ever did, I practically have to pin him down to get it done! He will not let me get him dressed.....he fights every step of the way. I chase him into the living room and manage to get his shirt over his head. Then it's off to the kitchen where arm #1 gets put into it's sleeve. Then back down the hall to get arm #2 into it's sleeve. Chasing him into the living room, I can catch him and maybe if I am lucky, I can put his pants on....maybe even the right way, lol!
I guess this is a stage he's going through, but holy cow, is this ever a workout! I better lose some weight doing this! lol
He doesn't want to eat much these days, sit at the table at meals. He fights me and his dad on almost EVERYTHING! It is so frustrating! Being under the weather isn't helping the frustration either. I am really looking forward to my holidays!
He looks so sweet sleeping in his big bed, thats great the transition went so well. We have not even thought of making it yet.
Mason sounds like such a 18 month old little boy, it sure tires you out doesn't it? I love and hate this age with equal passion
Hi there! :) It's great to see you posting again! It was around age 18 months that Lucas started showing signs of acting "two." Meredith is the same way so far, although not as bad. She has definitely learned the word "No!" and uses it often to tell us *exactly* what she wants! LOL! :) Oh, that bed is cute. Lucas would love something like that! He's *really* into "Cars" lately. Can you believe our little ones are headed toward TWO???
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