Mason had his first visit to the dentist this past Monday. I took him because it was getting so hard to brush his teeth, and he would complain that it hurt, even though I hardly touched him. He cried a bit as the dentist looked in his mouth, but after looking...the dentist said his teeth were good. They were spaced nicely, etc, and the reason he was complaining were that his molars were about to come in. I was happy to hear this.....I thought it'd be better to take him and have his mouth checked to be on the safe side.
Another milestone: Mason totally put his shirt on all by himself for the first time! He was so proud of himself! My little boy is growing up so fast!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008 far!
Riding his bike........

Riding his bike.......helmet on backwards, of course, lol!

Mason's first time eating corn on the cob.

It's been a fairly quiet summer, really. I am currently on vacation this week. I spent Monday, and today with Mason at daycare so I could get chores done. I did get quite a bit done.
Mason has been going through a 'fearful' stage. He has been afraid to go to sleep some nights. He's scared of his window it seems. I have them covered, which I think helps. But, I also think the neighbours little girl is a bit loud when she plays outside, and I think he can hear her....and it scares him. Their house is close to ours, and when they slam their door, Mason can hear that too. But, Dave and I have been giving him lots of reassurance and love. A couple nights, Dave has slept on his floor beside his bed. But, it is getting better. Thank goodness! It really hurts, as a parent, to see your child scared or suffer in any way at all.
Mason is talking a lot now. He says things like "I did it", "I do it," "I got it," "Mommy has sticker now." All sorts of things. He also likes to sing the "A,B,C's". ANd another favorite song of his is "The Wheels on the Bus." (He likes to act out the's really cute.)
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Updated pic of my little sweetie!

Last week, Mason's eyes were getting watery and red. I took him to the Dr.........and it was pinkeye! So of course, no daycare............and gramma had to come in to babysit. (I had to work, of course.)
Well, in the middle of the night, I woke up with my eyes glued shut! (I should have known I would get it!) Anyhow, Mason was okay in about two days. Me....well I still wake up with yucky eyes. I went to work....cuz I had to. It was so hard that first day, I looked like I had really bad allergies, or was crying my eyes out. I just wanted to keep my eyes closed all day long. Even this week, my eyes are sensitive to light. Hopefully this goes away soon.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Terrible two's..........ALREADY?!!

Oh, I think I am being driven to insanity by my sweet, loving MISCHIEVOUS & STUBBORN little boy! lol. Wow! All I can say is "Heaven Help Me!" Mason is so busy these days!
Well, to begin, we went from Winter weather to Summer. We totally skipped Spring. Mason is now in a 'Big Boy' bed. The transition went extremely well, with absolutely no problems at all. We got him a car bed, and he loves it!
As I write this, he is making me eat my words, because he is rummaging around his room. Not that there is much to get into. Usually he stays in his bed and goes to sleep within minutes. Not today though.
What's driving me crazy about my beautiful little boy, is the past few weeks he loves saying the word "No!" I guess this is normal for his age, so hopefully it'll pass. As well, he will not let me change his diaper without a fight. He wiggles worse than he ever did, I practically have to pin him down to get it done! He will not let me get him dressed.....he fights every step of the way. I chase him into the living room and manage to get his shirt over his head. Then it's off to the kitchen where arm #1 gets put into it's sleeve. Then back down the hall to get arm #2 into it's sleeve. Chasing him into the living room, I can catch him and maybe if I am lucky, I can put his pants on....maybe even the right way, lol!
I guess this is a stage he's going through, but holy cow, is this ever a workout! I better lose some weight doing this! lol
He doesn't want to eat much these days, sit at the table at meals. He fights me and his dad on almost EVERYTHING! It is so frustrating! Being under the weather isn't helping the frustration either. I am really looking forward to my holidays!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Winter again.......!

Just when you think winter is finally comes back to taunt you. Saturday and Sunday were blustery, snowy days! Dave spent a lot of time shovelling us out. We're not done yet. I am dreading going to work tomorrow, hoping the roads won't be too slippery. Hopefully after this, the snow is GONE until next winter!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Potty time!!!!
Well, I went out and bought Mason a little "potty." The first couple of days he just sat on it once in awhile.......not doing much. Then on April 14th/08.........he finally did it!!!! Before I give him a bath, I usually sit him on his "Potty." Well, he got up, and I realized he went 'pee' in his potty! U was SOOOO excited, I was shrieking and hugging a lunatic! And of course, I had to phone EVERYONE. (Dave thought I was nuts!!)
Today his grandma gave him a bath. She told me that for some reason, Mason wanted out of the tub sooo badly. She got him out, and he sat on his potty..........and went pee!!! YAY! I am very excited about this new stage. Of course, I am not going to push it----Mason can go at his own pace. If he does, he does------If not, I know he will someday!
That's pretty much the excitement of the week!!
Today his grandma gave him a bath. She told me that for some reason, Mason wanted out of the tub sooo badly. She got him out, and he sat on his potty..........and went pee!!! YAY! I am very excited about this new stage. Of course, I am not going to push it----Mason can go at his own pace. If he does, he does------If not, I know he will someday!
That's pretty much the excitement of the week!!
Sunday, April 06, 2008
This is more about me than Mason, lol. I had sinus surgery last Wednesday, April 2nd. Stayed overnight. I am still in a bit of pain, but it's manageable. Mason is also ok. He is starting to use more words. It's quite cute! Oh, and the cutest thing yet are his hugs and very sweet kisses! It just melts me!!!
Today, we went outside to fly a kite and went for a walk. I am trying to keep my sinus pain and pressure off my mind by playing with Mason outside, which he loves!
And now, time to go make some supper!
Today, we went outside to fly a kite and went for a walk. I am trying to keep my sinus pain and pressure off my mind by playing with Mason outside, which he loves!
And now, time to go make some supper!
Thursday, February 14, 2008

Time for an update............with not much to report, lol. Mason is still growing like a weed. It's going so fast! As usual, I am busy with work. I am looking forward to spring, so I can take Mason outside........this winter stuff is getting to me now. Enough already. Took some pictures of Mason, just to update everyone on how BIG my boy is getting!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Mason's 1st sentence.
Just a bit of a newsflash..........Mason said his first sentence today. Well, one I and Dave both understood. He said" Don't Do That!" Sounded more like "Doh do dat!" But I got it, and Dave did too, it was pretty cool!
Just to let everyone know!
Just to let everyone know!
Thursday, January 10, 2008

Christmas 2007. Mason had a great time. Until Boxing Day. He got bit by my cousins dog. So he was on an antibiotic for 5 days. He is on the mend now. But other than that, we got to see some family we hadn't seen in awhile. Christmas obviously didn't mean much to him this year, but next year will be even more exciting. Hope all my friends have had a great holiday, and all the best in the New Year!
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