Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Yesterday, we discovered our newest member of the family will be a boy! I am thrilled. I wouldn't have minded either way, but I am so glad I kept my baby clothes. I won't have to buy anything for a long time. I am still cautious though-they say it is a boy.....but, I will not believe it 100% until the baby is actually born. (Hey, mistakes happen). I was the same way with Mason. I was pretty sure he was a boy, but wasn't going to say either way until he was born.

I am told this baby has big feet, lol. We shall have to see. The Kuystermans side of the family do have big feet, and I must admit, my feet are kind of huge, especially for my height. Most people my height have smaller feet......but hey, I can't control how my feet grew.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

What the heck?!

I can see my last post did not 'save'. Oh well. Anyhow, my family and I have pretty much gotten over H1N1. I have to say I am thankful that I got it much worse than Mason did. I'd rather suffer then him. I do not remember being that sick...EVER! My dad had to take Mason trick or treating because I was way too sick.
Mason was Spiderman. At least he was able to go trick or treating.....even though he's scared of anything 'scarey' looking, lol.
I had an ultrasound on Tuesday, and I was really hoping to find out the sex of the baby. Unfortunately, the cord was in the way at first, then baby just wouldn't cooperate. I do have to have an ultrasound every month now until baby is born, so hopefully we'll get to find out in the next month or so.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

It's been WAY too long since I have posted.......

Well, a lot of stuff has happend. I've been of from work since February....(Not by choice). I have been trying to get back to work for the past month or so, but the Doc is being stubborn. So hopefulley in the next week or so i'll be back in action.

Another thing: I just found out I am expecting baby #2. It was NOT planned for this time. In fact, I was very surprised. I am so scared to tell work, mainly because I have been off work since February, and i'd be going back to work for a few months, then off on mat leave again. I am sure they will think I planned it this way, which I did not. I was planning to have another baby when our financial situation has improved (it's far from improved), and that would probably be in the next year or 2. But, it has happend, and yes, we are happy. Mason will be a big brother! How could you not be happy when a baby is going to join your family??

But yeah, my fear is telling work. They weren't thrilled when I went off on stress leave (Neither was I).I really do feel bad about the timing, but obviously, God must have had this planned for us.

Mason's growing like a weed. Talking non-stop, you name it. He really likes to play outside, and play with cars. He's definately a boy!

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Your Weather: Canada Day on Moraine Lake - The Weather Network

Picture of Lake Louise, about 3 or 4 hours away from where I live.

Friday, May 01, 2009

Mason's first organized soccer experience.

Mason started soccer the other day. It was a lot of fun! Even I enjoyed myself! 2 year olds playing soccer isn't the easiest thing in the world, but it went quite well. They don't exactly play games, but they do some really fun drills. It was quite cold the first night, but we managed. Next week is supposed to be better.
Not much else new.....should be going back to work in the next week or so.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

It's been awhile............

Yes, it has been a LONG time since I have posted on here. I have pretty much been busy with work.

Mason is growing like a weed, talking up a storm, and he's even peeing on the potty. (Even at daycare). I just can't believe how many changes take place in kids in such a short time! I have been off work for 3 weeks I have had a bit more time than usual. I have even managed to catch up with my 'Mommy' friends. I feel sad because I feel that due to my work I am missing so much time with Mason and hanging out with other moms. I may have to re-think my job perhaps. Time will tell!