Riding his bike.......helmet on backwards, of course, lol!

Mason's first time eating corn on the cob.

It's been a fairly quiet summer, really. I am currently on vacation this week. I spent Monday, and today with Mason at daycare so I could get chores done. I did get quite a bit done.
Mason has been going through a 'fearful' stage. He has been afraid to go to sleep some nights. He's scared of his window it seems. I have them covered, which I think helps. But, I also think the neighbours little girl is a bit loud when she plays outside, and I think he can hear her....and it scares him. Their house is close to ours, and when they slam their door, Mason can hear that too. But, Dave and I have been giving him lots of reassurance and love. A couple nights, Dave has slept on his floor beside his bed. But, it is getting better. Thank goodness! It really hurts, as a parent, to see your child scared or suffer in any way at all.
Mason is talking a lot now. He says things like "I did it", "I do it," "I got it," "Mommy has sticker now." All sorts of things. He also likes to sing the "A,B,C's". ANd another favorite song of his is "The Wheels on the Bus." (He likes to act out the song......it's really cute.)