Oh, I would love to curse the individual who invented 'colds!' LOL! Nothing but sick around here, Mason & I being the main sick ones! Mason has had the sniffles for what seems like forever. I have been sick since the last day of August, believe it or not! I would get better for a day or 2, then would get some chest cold or something. I am on my FOURTH antibiotic since the beginning of September, with each one working..........for a day or so, then right back to being sick. The last time, and this time it has been a sinus infection......and so, if it keeps up, I get to have a CT scan......to see if my brains are still there! (J/K)!
Mason had tonsilitis. I was at work last Saturday, when I got called at work by his grandma saying he was 'listless', 'not himself' etc. Normally, he is VERY active, but he had a temperature of almost 103 F, and was moaning and just being TOO still. His appetite was poor, and he barely drank formula. The doctor looked at his throat and said his tonsils were HUGE! So, antibiotics for the little guy. An hour after he took his first dose, he had diarrhea, which was not nice.....his poor little bum. The doctor said it may be the medicine, it may not be, just keep an eye on it. Finally, after a day or so he was more like his old self, and his fever went down. The diarrhea stuck around for a few days, and Wednesday he went back to daycare, only to come down with diarrhea again! (After being free of it for a day). He stayed home today too. The doctor said to put him on Soy milk until he improves, and it seems to have made a difference. I think we'll go for some 'bland' foods for the next little while. Other than that, nothing really exciting happening. Just planning for Mason's awesome 1st birthday!! I can't wait!